Sunday, September 19, 2010

Finding Life

   It’s just after day break…I’m enjoying the warmth of the morning sun as I sit watching a brook. The sunlight is reflecting off the water and creating little diamonds. It is a day that is filled with wonder and life, but my heart is empty; I search for words, and nothing comes.

   I look up and notice that the trees are changing color…it is then that these words come to mind.

   How each day is filled with wonder? Whatever it will hold, it is governed by His promise: “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

   Whether this day brings happiness or heartache, He will be there. My life is watched by a divine Man still scarred from His battle with sin, who remembers what it is like to be hungry or tempted or to lose a friend.

   Day by day He is reconciling me to Himself, working out the imperfections of my character in His own good way. With the eye of God He sees the towering ideal He wants me to reach. With the eye of man He sees my frailties…and gives me grace to grow.

   It is morning...I face the day and say….”Whether in sunshine or in shadow, what blessings will this day hold for me?”