Wednesday, May 16, 2012

After spending many years searching for the Ram's-head Lady Slipper I found one today. It is always a great thrill when you find something you have been looking for. Five hours in a cedar swamp and many mosquito's, but it is worth it. I plan on going back in the morning to get some better shots and to search for more. The wind was really blowing today so it made for some bad shooting conditions. I also found two other species...Pink Lady's Slipper and Early Coral Root.
Pink lady's slipper
Early Coral Root
Ram's-head lady slipper (Rare)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Common Loon

Been a long time since I last posted anything. Been very busy here. I just thought I would post a photo of a common loon. Will try to post more often. Wildflowers are starting to really bloom and the birds are returning.