Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Windy Day

Well it looks like we missed the storms today.
The wind today is very strong so made for photography a little difficult.
last night I had a great time chasing moths and other night flying insects.
 Flower Spider
Common Spring Moth
Also you can watch some photo/video's on my You Tube Channel.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Spider and Slipper

A very warm day...
Well this morning I found this Running Crab Spider feeding on a Leaf Hopper in my garden. This is one of the 9 species of spiders I have in my garden. This species is my 3rd favorite of the local spiders.
This evening I rode down by the park and photographed some Pink Lady's Slippers. I counted 58 of them and decided to shot this one. I need to get some arm pads or where a longer shirt when I get this low to the ground. This one slipper has been growing in the same spot since 2005 when I first found it. They can live  along time if they are not disturbed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Six-spotted Tiger Beetle

I spent most of the day chasing this beautiful beetle. I all most gave up, but just when I thought I would have to try another day one landed near my pond on a large rock. I put on a 36mm extension tube on my 100mm macro and placed my camera on my trusty tripod and moved in slow. Inch by inch I moved...I was in range and composed and fired away. Only shot 23 images before it flew off.
Heading out to a swampy place tomorrow in search of lady's-slippers and if I'm lucky will find the Ram's Head Lady's-slipper. I know they grow here in the county and the place I'm looking I have found them years ago. Another bike ride, but I enjoy it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I went out and searched for subjects to shoot, but did not have to look to hard. Wildflowers were every where. The warblers kept me company and so did the mosquito's. I shot over 8 gigs of images today and will have images  to edit well into the summer and fall. I just picked out a few to post and share.
 Wood Anemone
Wood Anemone

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pink Lady's Slippers

In a few days the slippers will be in full bloom. This is the first time I have been able to get shots of them before they opened. I found close to 100 plants in this place they grow every year. After this big weekend I will go back and take some photos. Also going to check on some other flowers that grow near by. I'm very sore...bought a new Mountain Bike today to use as my transportation to get to my photo sites close to home. I guess it will be some getting used to again. It will be some great exercise...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

More lilac's

I just can't get over how many of the lilac buses are in bloom. I also could not resist getting out this evening to capture a few images. I'm so tired and wore out, but I thought I had better shot them while they are at there best.
Going to go check on some Lady-slipper's tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lilac's Everywhere

This is the first year in a long time that I can remember so many lilacs blooming. All 15 bushes in my yard are in full bloom along with the 3 flowering almond bushes. All over town they are blooming and it is so beautiful. Just wish I could open my windows and get the scented breeze blowing in. Only 45 degrees out now and raining.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Flowering Almond

All the Flowering Almond Bushes in my yard are in full bloom.

Going to be a cool night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Peeper Show

The peepers and tree frogs are really singing tonight. I just love to hear them, but they can be really hard to find and get close too. I have two by my pond and it takes me about 10 minutes to find them and even longer to get close enough for a good shot. All the lilac bushes are in full bloom now and as I set here and write this I can smell the scent from them blowing in the open window.

Part of my yard is covered in Pink Flock right now and it is so beautiful.
Going to go check on the Pink Lady Slippers tomorrow and the Clintonia.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Not One, But Two!

Had a great surprise today.
While I was photographing a sneaky spring peeper another one hopped into the scene.
Do you see me?
Here I am!
Meet my Friend!

So now I have a very noisy yard. They are so fun to watch, but not easy to get close too. Going to give it another try again tonight to see if I can get some more shots of them. The apple trees are really beautiful this year. Now they are in full bloom.
The storm this afternoon produced marble sized hail that put a few holes in the rhubarb leaves.
 Approaching Storm
Approaching Storm
More storms tonight...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Turkey Vultures and More!

Woke up early this morning and started taking photos...first thing I went and photographed the apple blossoms.

Both trees are in full bloom now.
Than I went for a walk along the river and through a marshy swamp. Many warblers and this American redstart had to check me out.

Warblers were everywhere. I got an up close look at one beautiful warbler...a Magnolia and Chestnut-sided. They were so close I could not get a good focus on them. After I left the swamp I found these Turkey Vultures catching the morning sun.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What a beautiful Day!

Warm and Humid sums up today.
I took many photos today and was busy all day and it is so nice to see the sun and blue skies.

The apple tree is almost in full bloom and spent some time chasing bumble bees and other insects as they fed on the blossoms. I also spent some time down on the ground with the honeybees as they fed on the dandelions.
Apple Blossoms
Blossom of the apple trees!
Mossy trunks all gnarled and hoary,
Grey boughs tipped with rose-veined glory,
Clustered petals soft as fleece
Garlanding old apple trees!

How you gleam at break of day!
When the coy sun, glancing rarely,
Pouts and sparkles in the pearly
Pendulous dewdrops, twinkling gay
On each dancing leaf and spray.

Through your latticed boughs on high,
Framed in rosy wreaths, one catches
Brief kaleidoscopic snatches
Of deep lapis-lazuli
In the April-coloured sky.

When the sundown's dying brand
Leaves your beauty to the tender
Magic spells of moonlight splendour,
Glimmering clouds of bloom you stand,
Turning earth to fairyland.

Cease, wild winds, O, cease to blow!
Apple-blossom, fluttering, flying,
Palely on the green turf lying,
Vanishing like winter snow;
Swift as joy to come and go. 
Mathilde Blind

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Little Brook

There is this little brook that I like to go set by and just listen to the sounds of the forest. Some days like today I just can't focus on anything, so I head off to sit and think by this little brook. The sound of the water is so soothing and it calms me and helps me think. 
Have you got a brook in your little heart,
Where bashful flowers blow,
And blushing birds go down to drink,
And shadows tremble so?
And nobody knows, so still it flows,
That any brook is there;
And yet your little draught of life
Is daily drunken there.
Then look out for the little brook in March,
When the rivers overflow,
And the snows come hurrying from the hills,
And the bridges often go.
And later, in August it may be,
When the meadows parching lie,
Beware, lest this little brook of life
Some burning noon go dry!
~Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Slow Day!

Today has been a gloomy and slow day, but I did get a better bird bath built. Still need a few flat rocks, but they seem to like it. The Merlin was back today, but did not get any lunch at my feeders today. They are such cool looking birds. The Apple Blossoms will be blooming in a few days. By this weekend they should be in full bloom...we just need a bit of sun.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nice day....

It was a nice day, but the wind was blowing out of the North East and made it a bit cold. I stayed around the house and did some gardening and watched the birds. I also was also able to watch a feeding bumblebee on the gooseberry flowers. 
 I did some changes to the bird bath so I could get some shots of birds taking a bath. A little change here and there and I got it almost right. This Yellow Bellied Sapsucker was really enjoying himself.

Even had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak stop by and grab some lunch today.
The White Crowned Sparrows were everywhere today. They loved the bird bath and even sang for me.

I would say it was a great day, but it ended on a sad note. While I was watching the birds feed a swift flying Merlin flew in and grabbed a White Throated Sparrow. I guess they have to eat too.
Also I have an UPDATE on Mommy squirrel. She is back with her young ones again, but to my surprise she has three of them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Evicted Twice!

I thought I had evicted mommy squirrel and her two little ones, but some how one of them did not leave. I had blocked up the hole and it was trapped till late this afternoon. It took me over an hour to chase this little one out. It had chewed a hole into the house boards and went into my attic. When I was trying to chase it out it slipped through the hole. So I blocked everything up and left an opening for it to leave. About an hour later I seen it climbing down the bush. So I rushed out and plugged the hole up. Mommy squirrel moved her other little one to the tree next door and this one seems to be on it's own. It did eat a bit at the feeder and than ran up a tree. I'm hoping mommy squirrel finds it...I'll keep watch. the Choke Cherry is in full bloom and the two Apple trees will be blooming in about 2 days time. I love photographing apple blossoms. Will keep an eye on the tree and as soon as they start I will be shooting away.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well I had to evict mommy squirrel and her two young ones. I had no choice, they had made a bad mess of my eves and started chewing on the house. I feel bad, but she will find another home. I seen them running across the yard and up a large oak tree. Anyways it is going to get cold tonight and I hope it don't freeze to bad. I mostly took photos of the birds and squirrels at the feeders today. It was just to windy out and chilly for any good macro photography today. I covered some plants up and hope the rest make it. One question...where did our spring go?
 Enjoying Lunch
 Making a choice
 I'm trying to eat it here...do you mind not taking my picture!
White Crowned Sparrow enjoying an afternoon bath.