Saturday, May 29, 2010

Around the Yard

Was a long hot day today, but I did get out and take a few images...Plan on going to the beach tomorrow. Anyways the photo of the Phidippus Putnami or Jumping Spider was taken in my driveway. The little spider would not stay still was only able to get one shot worth keeping.
The Treehopper was photographed in my garden...I think there was a big hatching of them. They are everywhere.

Pink Lady-slipper

The pink lady-slippers are in bloom. I really like these flowers...the yellow and showy are my all time favorites. Going back to photograph the pinks. I am trying to find a new way to shoot this flower.
I had my photo taken as I photographed the pink lady-slipper.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Snapping Turtle

This was one grumpy female snapping turtle. She was laying eggs in a sandy spot and when we found her she was in the road. So I went to move her and she got hostile. I have never seen one leap before, but she did and I'm glad I'm fast or I would have felt her bite.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


While out fishing today...this Common Loon and it's mate swam by us and stayed close. They were also fishing. There so beautiful...this is the first time I have ever been so close to one and been able to get any photos. Along with the loons...there was a Snapping Turtle, Northern Brown Snake at least 4 feet long. Many birds and insects, plus we did good fishing. This was a day to remember...being able to spend the day with my best friend Charlie was special.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First

I found this Assassin Bug in my garden. This is the first one I have ever seen in my maybe it will stay around. The spiders are appearing daily and my garden is growing quickly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flesh Fly

Worked in my garden most of the day, but did get a few photos...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Busy Day

Chasing honeybees and sunsets and planting my garden...that sums up my day.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


It's warming up and I'm enjoying it. Just started planting my wildflower seeds and other garden flowers. Next will be my about a week. The image was taken one early spring afternoon at the Mio Pond. Fishing season is also beginning....

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's been raining all day and I'm ready for sunshine. Will be planting most of my garden in the next's time. Won't be long and I'll be searching the garden at night for spiders and night flying insects.

       Honeybee feeding on apple blossom

Monday, May 10, 2010

Large-flowered Trillium

With all the new green in the tree tops the white flowers almost look green. A fresh new growth of green leaves is always a pleasent delight. It's slowly warming up again...the peepers are peeping once again.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Wings

This Monarch was raised from an egg and I watched it grow and fly away. I had a female and male...both lived to fly away.

Friday, May 7, 2010


It's cold again...wish it would warm up and stay warm. Anyways going away for the weekend. At least till Sunday.
Image...Moss Phlox

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jumping Spider

I was putting in a pump in my pond when this little jumping spider decided to watch me. So I took some photos of this little spider. It's turned cold again and snow is forcasted for this weekend. It's Michigan...wait five minutes and the weather changes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Peeper Show

"We are connected to the land and to the animals, in spirit, we are one. Our ties with the land and animals help us survive. Listen and feel for the ancestors' guidance. We are all connected."
                                                                                          -Andrew F. Abyo

1. Spring Peeper
2. Spring Peeper
3. Fringed Polygala
4.Running Crab Spider on Tulip

Monday, May 3, 2010

Black Moreal

Went searching for moreals yesterday with my Dad and we found enough for a small snack each. Everything is so green now. My garden is really starting to grow...almost time to plant my veggies and flowers.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Peeper Show

Last night I had a new creature move in to my garden. A Spring Peeper....spent a few hours searching for him. This is a first in my yard...and I really enjoy listening to him sing.